Bro Keith and his wife Connie are missionary church planters. Currently Bro Keith is the pastor Grace Bible Baptist Church, a church plant in Mobile, Alabama. We are looking forward to Bro Keith bringing an update on the ministry.
Bro Keith and his wife Connie are missionary church planters. Currently Bro Keith is the pastor Grace Bible Baptist Church, a church plant in Mobile, Alabama. We are looking forward to Bro Keith bringing an update on the ministry.
The Sprungers joined Baptist International Missions, Inc., in 1973. In 1975 they arrived in St. Thomas, USVI, and began their first term of missionary service. Gary was a missionary pilot and served fundamental independent Baptist missionaries throughout the Caribbean. During their first term they assisted Bluewater Bible College and helped Emmanuel Baptist Church in the Tutu area.
Sunday, March 17, 2019
We will be celebrating 30 Years of ministry in the Bon Secour community! What a blessing it has been to see what God has done. It began with a God-given vision to Brother Wayne Mund, who felt the call of God to establish a fundamental Baptist church in this community.
We are excited about having the Dan Kurzinsky family with us on Sunday evening, March 3. They are missionaries to the U.S. Military and working at Fort Benning, GA, which is home to the Infantry, Rangers, Armor and Airborne divisions. Brother Kurzinsky will be introducing us to his ministry there and will encourage us as we consider this evangelistic mission ministry.