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World-Wide Missions

What a blessing to be obedient to our LORD’S command to preach the gospel to every creature in every nation. This cannot be carried out alone. We here at Fishermen Baptist Church have adopted the philosophy that missions ought to be the burden of every believer. Through the freewill offerings of our members we are able to support a great mission family both here and around the world.

Acts 1:8 still applies!

Matthew & Vickie Berndorff Photo

Matthew & Vickie Berndorff Family (West Indies)


Steve & Lois Donleys Photo

Steve & Lois Donley (Canada)

Known as the Ice Road Preacher, Steve and Lois serve as missionaries to the indigenous people of the Arctic. They began serving The Lord in the Arctic in 1989. Their grown children are all serving The Lord. The Donley’s ministry has been mainly in the Western Canadian Arctic with considerable time in Alaska.

Edwin & Lyndee Duke Photo

Edwin “Buddy” & Lyndee Duke (Germany)


Chester & Connie Keith Photo

Chester & Connie Keith (USA)

Brother Keith and his wife Connie are working on their second church. They have already established one church in Pensacola, Florida. Brother Keith was led of the Lord to begin a new work in Mobile, Alabama where he is faithfully serving at the present time.

Ken & Karen Kraich Photo

Ken & Karen Kraich (Seaport Ministries)

As Ambassadors for Jesus Christ the Kraiches welcome the seafarers with the Word of God in their languages as they are available. Even though most are conversant in English, the Word of God does the work in the heart as they read it in their language and then hear it proclaimed. Each year thousands of Bibles, New Testaments, John and Romans, scripture portions, and Bible tracts are placed in the hands of these people on their ships.
Spending time with them and meeting special needs is very effective in getting an open door to share the gospel of salvation found in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Visit Kraich’s Website

Doug & Carolee Schwaderer Photo

Doug & Carolee Schwaderer (Canary Islands of Spain)


Joe & Elna Snyder Photo

Joe & Elna Snyder (Retired:Trinitario language evangelism & church planting)


Patrick & Vicki Weimer Photo

Patrick & Vicki Weimer (Iceland)

“Reaching the World through Iceland” has been the mission statement stamped on our hearts since 1997 when Patrick was a senior at Trinity Baptist College. We arrived in Iceland in 1999. God has been using my family to be a light in a Dark land; it is an honor! God has spoken; His Word now proclaimed in Iceland. Life has sprung forth in the Land of Fire and Ice.

Visit Weimer’s Website

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